Writer’s block comes to all creative people, it is unfortunately part of the process. Sometimes nothing wants to come out, we run out of inspiration or we just don’t know what to write. Here are a few tips for trying to remain creative with regards to creating music and will hopefully help you finish more songs.
1. Take a break
Allow yourself to take time out from being creative. It’s very easy to get swept up in the ‘hustle mindset’, thinking we need to be working non-stop. However, I’ve found this doesn’t always work for creativity. Sometimes you can plough through, sometimes you just have to take rest. Don’t try and force it. Take a week or even a month off. Wait it out and the urge to create will return. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery or situation to inspire you. I’ve had breaks where I haven’t written anything for a couple of months, I’ve focussed on something else and then returned to creating music when inspiration found me again.
2. Persistence
A mentor once told me; that if he was stuck he was on the verge of a breakthrough - on the cusp of solving a problem in his subconscious. Sometimes, creativity does just require patience and persistence - then eventually, something will happen. Admittedly this is the opposite of the above point, but with experience you can often tell when it’s time to persist or desist. The trick is to try and feel the right balance.
3. Body over mind
Music production is a pretty screen-heavy, isolated, ‘heady’ hobby. I’ve found when I’m stuck it helps to go for a walk, go for a run, hit the gym or whatever form of exercise floats your boat. The flow of endorphins, fresh air and change of scenery can really help with the creative process. Sometimes just getting out of the studio and moving about really seems to help ideas to come rushing back.
4. Different Keys, Different Tunings
We are creatures of habit, I find this especially true with my writing. How often do you pick up a guitar and immediately play your favourite riff? Or on piano I’ll often gravitate to the same keys - Ab or Cm (I'm glad you asked.) A good way to get around this on guitar is to change tunings so that your favourite licks are no longer under your fingers. Your muscle memory is no longer a friend. It also helps you stop composing from a music theory perspective as now don’t know where the notes are. If you are on piano, limit yourself from using your favourite keys and try writing in a different key to normal. These things can really help when you are stuck for ideas.
5. Blow off some steam
Come away from music, go out with some friends, have a night off and watch a film or read a book. I have found having a drink or two really helps the creative process the next day for me. My impaired brain makes different associations to normal. Obviously I don’t advocate getting constantly trashed, but I also heard Bob Dylan suggest this in an interview somewhere.
Hopefully some of these tips are useful to those of you currently stuck with writer's block. If you have any questions or want some feedback on a track you are stuck with you can email me (adam.mills,music@gmail.com) and I'll do by best to give you advice.